Arabic Course for Beginners | How to write and read "Alif" and "Hamza" letters of Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Course for Beginners | How to write and read "Alif" and "Hamza" letters of Arabic Alphabet Assalamu Alaykum My name is Mohamed And I'm going to teach you the Arabic language. Assalamu Alaykum السلام عليكم means "Hello" or "Welcome" in English. In this video I'll start from the very beginning; as this video is the first video in teaching الحروف العربية or Arabic Alphabet. Before I start I want to say that my first or main aim to teach you Arabic alphabet or الحروف العربية is to teach you how to read in the Holy Quran; this is my basic aim, the second aim is to teach you how to write Arabic language correctly; the third aim which is "how to speak and understand" Arabic language depends upon your efforts in learning more Arabic vocabulary. My way in teaching Arabic alphabet in my videos is to introduce one Arabic letter or a group of two or three letters which are similar in shape or form. So, the initial course in tea